How to Deploy a React App Using Render ?

Render is a Cloud Hosting provider for Developers, you can check out their website here.

I am going to show you how to deploy a React App directly into Render as a static site. Its super easy if you have your code in Github.

npx create-react-app my-app

Once your app is ready. Commit and push it to your github repository.

Next you need to login into render, if you dont have an account. Sign up, its super simple and free also for static websites.

Once you are in, you can create a new Static Site. For more information follow this.

Once you have followed all the steps, render will build the app and that will take a few minutes and then it will provide you the public URL to access.

I used Heroku before, but the reason i switched to Render is because, render never turns of your static site. For example, in Heroku if you don't access your website it will put the dyno to sleep. When someone wants to access that website, they need to wait for the free tier users. But in Render, in free tier you can host many static websites. You are not charged, until and unless you use the other services like Database or Web Service.

If you change your React app and push the changes into the github repo, render can automatically build the latest commit and deploy it. Its pretty cool.

The link I shared has every detail you need. Host your websites in Render and see the power of the application.